Fall Home Projects

The summer months have passed, and all those plans you had for home improvement projects this summer haven’t gone so well. Fortunately, there is still time this fall to get everything done as long as you get cracking. In many ways, fall is the best time to get those lingering projects completed anyway. The extremely hot days have passed and the pressing things to get done before winter start to come into focus. If you’re not sure where to start, we’ve listed out several DIY fall home projects and a few that require professional consults to help you get started.

DIY Projects

Exterior Painting

So you bought all that paint this summer to finish repainting the exterior of your house, and you never found a time to get to it. Well the worst thing you can do is let that paint sit all winter. There’s no time better than the early fall to finish an exterior painting job, and pleasant days with a lot of sun and no rain make it easy to do. Just remember before you plan the rest of your fall home projects, the clock is ticking on this one. It is not advisable to paint when the temps dip below 45 degrees. It’s always best to keep an eye on the forecast before you begin any painting project.

Pressure Washing

Another great fall home project suggestion comes in power washing your house, patio, and sidewalks. You can do this before you get to the exterior painting job, or just clean up the house and make it look like new if it doesn’t need painting. In addition, washing those walks and patios will make snow shoveling a lot easier come winter. You don’t have to go out and buy a power washer to get this done either. Most will find a day or weekend rental provides plenty of time to get it all done.

Yard Work

The dreaded task of yard work is always on the fall home projects to-do list, but there are plenty of tools out there to make it seem less intimidating. Blowers can tame leaves in yards big or small, and they’ll cut down on all those hours of raking. You can also hook an aerator to your riding mower if you have one to take care of the lawn aeration quickly. Don’t forget to prep the garden for fall as well. You can even plant a winter cover crop to give next year’s garden a leg up with some extra fertilizer. Plant winter cover crops like red clover, winter rye or hairy vetch now and come spring you can till them under and have green fertilizer for your seedlings.


Organize The Garage

Plenty of random stuff is going to get packed into the garage or shed this winter. Before that happens, do yourself a favor and clean and organize the garage / shed now. Buy totes and organizers if you don’t have them, and set up a permanent system you won’t have to overhaul next year as well. Don’t forget to leave access to everything you organize. You never know when you’ll need that box of bolts or hand saw stored in the back of the garage this winter.

Trim Branches

Fall is the perfect time to trim branches on your property, especially since winter ice storms will try to knock the weak or vulnerable ones down. Any dead, old branches or live branches that hang dangerously towards your house or your neighbor’s property need to go. An afternoon of work now while the weather is warm could save you an insurance claim later.

Plant Spring Tulips

Fall is the perfect time to get a leg up on next year’s landscaping, and winter bulbs like tulips need to be planted now. You’ll want to start the planting process when the days are getting colder but before the first hard frost. Planting bulbs too early will result in them springing up now, but waiting until the ground is frozen will make digging much more difficult. Select a good spot for the tulip bulbs, but don’t plant them too close to your house. The heat from your home may also cause them to grow too early. Various trees and shrubs can also be planted in the fall.

Professional Projects

Inspect Your Roof

After a few nasty summer hail storms, your roof may have taken a real beating this year. Sometimes you can simply stand back and take a look up at your roof to see it needs repair. However other times it takes a licensed professional to inspect your roof. This is one of those fall home projects where you’re better off calling in a professional. They can climb up onto your roof and check everything out, and you get an expert’s opinion on the state of your roof. This is an especially wise project to complete before the fall rains and snow storms hit.

Chimney Sweep

The buildup of creosote in fireplaces and chimneys starts fires every fall. In addition, foreign objects like bird nests and dead vegetation can contribute to a chimney fire. Have a chimney tech look at your fireplace before you build any fires this fall. In addition to checking for creosote build up and other objects, they can make sure your chimney is in good working order. Once completed, you can build those roaring fall fires without worry.


Upgrade Windows

Old windows don’t seem like much of an issue during the summer, especially in Colorado. However as the colder temperatures blow in, those drafty windows suddenly become very noticeable. If you have some windows you’re concerned about, consider replacing them now while the weather is still warm. Often you can have an installer come out and give a free estimate on what they think should be replaced. You can expect plenty of savings on your energy bill if you get those windows replaced this year as well.

Final Thoughts On Fall Home Projects

Don’t procrastinate those fall home projects. Before you know it, Colorado’s first big snowstorm will hit and you’ll be stuck inside watching football and making chili, which isn’t a bad thing, as long as you take care of all the pressing jobs first. If you want to check the state of your homeowners policy this fall or see what a switch might save you, we encourage you to contact Square State Insurance before the fall snows begin.

Image one, two and three courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

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