It is about this time of year that freezing temperatures and Colorado snowstorms force you indoors more often than you would like. While it’s tempting to just relax, turn on the TV and get nothing done, there are plenty of indoor projects you can tackle to improve the value of your home and save energy while the weather is cold. Here are our top indoor winter home projects to consider before the spring arrives.
Energy Conservation
Chances are the weak spots in your home’s insulation from the cold are costing you money as we speak. Not to worry, the easiest home winter projects come in the form of correcting these weaknesses while the winter is still young. First and foremost, when is the last time you replaced your furnace filter? You should be swapping them out regularly throughout the winter, and if you’ve forgotten, make sure you hit the store soon and pick a pack of them up. Make sure to write down the right size you need before you leave. A quick replacement of the filter will help save you a few bucks on next month’s heating bill.
Up next, it is time to think about your pipes and hot water heater. Any exposed pipes, especially those subject to blasts of cold air, should be wrapped or insulated. You can even wrap your hot water heater to conserve energy as well. Both projects are simple fixes that will keep you hot water heater from working too hard and your pipes from freezing or losing warmth. Better yet, the insulation and hot water heater wrap that you need are cheap and readily available at your local hardware store.

Finally, don’t forget about insulating the windows in your house. While you probably don’t want to put plastic sheeting over the windows you look out of, you can wrap windows you don’t use much like basement, garage and attic windows. Those windows that you don’t want to wrap fully will still benefit from weather stripping if you find any cold air leaks. The same goes for any doors you may have in the house.
Indoor Painting Projects
What’s worse than spending a nice spring or summer day indoors painting? Do yourself a favor and get those indoor painting projects done now while you have some extra time on your hands. Often we feel like we have to rush any painting project, but now is your chance to take your time, paint the trim a different color and get all the details and paint lines perfect. As long as you select paint that doesn’t have toxic fumes, you won’t have to worry about opening windows for ventilation either. This is also the time to install new trim if you room doesn’t have it already. Trim is easy to install and it can really improve the look of a room for a minimal investment. Consider sprucing up your rooms in other ways by replacing old doors, revamping closets or even changing the carpeting or flooring.
New Lighting Projects
The winter months can leave your house feeling dim and dark. What better time to add bright, new lights to the rooms in your house than winter? New ceiling fans, track lighting and recessed lighting can transform that feel of a room, and brighter rooms will help keep your spirits up on those days where the sun sets early. Adding new, energy-efficient fixtures and LED bulbs will save you energy costs down the line as well.

Attic Insulation
There is a portion of you home that you’re likely losing the most heat from, and it’s not your pipes or windows. As we all know heat rises, and your attic is the weak point where much of the heat escapes. Luckily the attic is the easiest place to add insulation, and it only takes a quick trip up there to see if your insulation level is adequate. Once up at the attic, look at the floor joists or crossed grid of boards. If much of the floor joists still protrude or can be seen above the insulation, then you can stand to add more. If however the floor joists are not very visible, then you likely have enough insulation.
While you’re up there, check for any gaps in the insulation or low spots that may need to be replaced. Often adding insulation is a job you can tackle yourself with the right protection, but if your attic is very narrow or precarious to move around in, you may want to hire a professional.
Final Thoughts About Winter Home Projects
The best thing you can do for your home in the winter months is to keep up with projects around the house. Simply hibernating while the weather is cold will force you to tackle those projects on nicer days. After all, wouldn’t you rather be out enjoying the weather versus inside handling a project you put off in the winter? All these winter home projects are relatively easy to tackle and don’t require a ton of investment. Pick a few out and try them today!
If your home is in need of new homeowners coverage or simply evaluation of the coverage you have now, contact Square State Insurance. We’ll make sure you have the best coverage for you at the right price for your budget.
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