How To Throw A Safe New Years Party

Well you’ve sent out the invitations and it looks like most people have RSVP’d to your New Years party. What do you do now? Is your home ready for a party? Can you ensure all your guests are going to have a safe and enjoyable time? Well worry not, we’re here to help you through the party planning process. Your party is sure to be one of the best in recent memory with these tips on planning a safe and successful new years party.

Do A Safety Walkthrough

Before you set up snack and drink tables, do your guests a favor and check for any potential hazards, especially those that may become worse when your house gets crowded. Tripping hazards, icy walks, broken stairs and other potential problems should be fixed before anyone shows up to the party. A good homeowners policy will cover medical bills in the event of an accident, but you should take no chances and fix the potential hazard before anyone gets hurt.

Plan your Drink Menu Carefully

It’s New Years Eve, and most guests are going to expect plenty of libations at the drink table. You would be a bad host if you didn’t have a decent spread of drinks, but plan your choices carefully. Try to get a little something from every major category – beer, wine and liquor. A drink table that only has liquor is going to be too strong for some guests, but not everyone likes beer, so you need some alternatives. Champagne is a must for any new years party, but you may want to consider lower alcohol % sparkling wine as an alternative for some of your guests. Normal champagne is around 12%, but reduced % sparkling wine is only 5%. Your guests may really appreciate the lower alcohol content option, and most people won’t be able to taste the difference.

Some guests will want champagne at the party, just don’t go overboard.

Offer Alternatives To Alcohol

A drink table with strictly alcoholic beverages is a bad idea for any party. Instead include drinks to help guests hydrate and balance their alcohol consumption with like sodas, sparkling water, and of course good old fashioned water. You can always serve cocktails without the liquor to include guests who don’t drink and designated drivers as well. The goal here is to give your guests plenty of non-alcoholic options, and they’ll appreciate the chance to try something interesting besides water. Those who want to stop drinking or want to keep the “pressure drinkers” are bay will find it is a lot easier if they have a drink in hand. Sparkling or tonic water on ice with a lime is the perfect “covert” drink. Everyone thinks you have a cocktail, but in reality you’re skipping the alcohol.

Don’t Forget The Food

It’s easy for some hosts to outfit the drink table and call it good for the party, but food is an important component of any new years party. It helps soak up the alcohol, and anyone who eats and drinks at the same time feels better than someone who drinks on an empty stomach. It’s best to look at alcohol as just part of your party offering. You need plenty of liquids and food to balance it out. Crock pot meals offer a lot of food for guests, and you can keep it warm all party long. Add to that chips and dip, vegetables, and other finger foods, and your snack table is already shaping up.


Cover Transportation

Getting to and from a new years party is maybe the biggest challenge of all for your guests. Do all you can to make their journey to your house easier this year. Uber and Lyft will be a big option for many party goers, but don’t hesitate to pick up nearby guests before the party to make their trip cheaper and easier. Dig out extra bedding and get the guest room ready as you may need to put up some people for the night. Finally, don’t forget to reward the designated drivers at the party, and consider setting aside a special gift just for them.

Have A Safe New Years

From everyone at Square State Insurance, we wish you a safe and happy New Year. We hope your party is a memorable one, and that everything goes off without a hitch. Finally if you drink, please don’t drive!

Image one, two and three courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

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