In today’s socially distanced society, more and more of us are turning to online shopping for our needs. At the same time, many families are struggling to make ends meet. Unfortunately auto insurance companies are no longer offering 15% Auto Insurance Refunds, but auto and home insurance customers still need to save money. In response, many are turning to online insurance comparison sites. While in theory these sites are a great way to compare rates, they don’t tell the full story. Worse yet, they can lead to wrong policy decisions. If your insurance policy is up for renewal or you’re just ready for a switch to save money, we recommend working with a broker versus a comparison site. Here are the reasons why.
Community And Connection Is More Important Than Ever
First and foremost, the pandemic has taught us that community and personal connection is more important than ever. While we can’t always be together physically, there are still many ways a community can come together. Using an online comparison site that is run by a big company in another state does not provide that connection. They don’t know the unique challenges that Coloradans face. In addition, they don’t live and work in the same city as you. Since we’re all a little starved for connection these days, why not reach out to a local broker? There is no cost to you to work with a real person, and they can develop a coverage plan that works and saves you money.
Comparison Sites Aren’t Personalized
Unfortunately, online insurance comparison sites are dedicated to showing you the lowest rates possible to get you to buy insurance on the spot. But they’re not showing you the whole picture. They don’t know about your potential coverage gaps. They don’t know if you need additional coverage like jewelry insurance, liability insurance and more. More often than not, the rate you’re shown when you begin with a comparison site is not your final rate. You wouldn’t shop for a car online only to show up at the dealer and find it’s several thousand dollars more, would you? Fortunately there is a better way that will save you time.

Better Than Online Insurance Comparison
A personalized comparison of your insurance needs is better than a broad online insurance comparison. First, once a broker learns about your insurance needs, the quote you receive will be more exact than an initial quote on a comparison site. This saves you time and lets you make an informed decision. You still get several quotes from quality insurance companies, but this time they actually represent what you’ll pay. Better yet, you can trust the coverage you’re buying will meet your needs. Nothing is worse than filing a claim with inferior insurance only to find out you’re not adequately covered. In addition, you may be missing out on discounts you qualify for but aren’t aware of as you shop. Once again, a broker can check potential discounts for you up front so you don’t miss extra savings.
All The Details Are Covered
If you purchase coverage solely online without working with a broker, there are many extra details you’ll have to handle. First if you’re switching companies before a renewal date, you’ll have to contact your old insurer for a cancellation and refund. A broker can take care of that for you. If you’re waiting at the DMV and need insurance cards right away, a broker will text or email them to you. If you’ve leased your vehicle and are changing auto insurance in the middle of the lease, your bank will need to know. Once again, your broker has you covered on this task. On top of everything, a broker is here to answer questions that an online insurance comparison site simply can’t. It’s no contest when it comes to the level of customer service.

Online Insurance Comparison Final Thoughts
When you add it all up, an insurance broker beats an online insurance comparison site in every way. There is personalized assessment and collaboration. You’ll find the best price on only the coverage you need. Better yet, your broker will ensure all the necessary details are handled, even if you forget. Finally, you may not be able to talk in person right now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a friendly phone or email chat with your broker. They are real people who live and work in Colorado just like you. It’s really a no-brainer. Contact us to learn more, or get started with a free insurance quote. We’ll contact you to get more information to personalize your quote soon after. Let’s keep our community strong and stay safe through this difficult time!