Safe Fall Driving In Colorado

Many of us consider fall to be our favorite season. The hot temperatures have subsided and the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are just around the corner. However fall is also the busiest time of the year for insurance claims. This is especially true for auto related claims. Bad weather, slick roads, increased shopping visits and holiday travel all contribute to higher than average claim rates during the fall season. Don’t fall victim to the rise in fall accidents. Check out our tips for safe fall driving in Colorado to ensure everyone has a happy and healthy season! Best of all, these tips will ensure your auto insurance rates stay low for the coming year.

Dangerous Road Conditions

By far the most common tip for safe fall driving in Colorado revolves around poor road conditions. The early months of fall can actually be the worst for accidents versus the heavy winter months like January and February. So don’t get tricked into thinking the roads are still fine this time of year. This is a deadly serious topic. In fact, reports that weather-related crashes are more fatal than natural disasters each year. Now is a great time to slow down, pay more attention and keep your hands off your phone while driving. Remember it is not just road conditions that cause issues. Often low visibility is the culprit for a rise in accidents. If you can’t see other motorists around you in a storm, chances are they can’t see you either. Always avoid going out in low visibility conditions when you can help it. Of course, don’t forget to buckle that seatbelt every time whether you’re the driver or a passenger.

Holiday Traffic

A rise in accidents doesn’t just happen on our normal commutes. They can happen in local parking lots as well. The days leading up to Thanksgiving and Christmas can turn your normal grocery store parking lot into a madhouse. More dings and crashes naturally rise as a consequence. The same goes for shopping centers and even airports. It pays to drive slowly and cautiously through parking lots this time of year. Chances are not all your fellow drivers will do the same, so you need to get defensive. It’s also not a bad idea to ditch fighting over that close parking spot this time of year. If you really want to avoid a potential parking lot claim, you may be better off parking farther away in a less crowded area. You’ll benefit from the added exercise as well!

Be ready for plenty of full parking lots this fall season!

Animal Collisions

Collisions with fellow shoppers aren’t the only hazards you’ll encounter as you consider safe fall driving in Colorado. As the rutting season and hunting season picks up, more large animals are on the move crossing busy highways and country roads alike. In Colorado, this is certainly a real hazard. After all, you don’t want to have a collision with an elk in the middle of a rut. Unfortunately there is no magic solution for this claims issue. Sometimes the animal comes out of nowhere and it is near impossible to avoid. But you can lessen the chances of an animal collision. Avoid speeding on country roads and always stay aware of what is in your peripheral vision as you drive. The lights of your car reflect back in the eyes of the animal, and this can be an early warning sign. If you see flashes of eyes on the roadside, be sure to slow down immediately. It’s also wise to use your high beams when possible. This will increase that all-important peripheral vision as you drive.

Auto Theft

Another aspect that contributes to the rise in fall auto claims might be one you don’t often consider – auto theft. In fact Colorado ranks very high in the number of auto thefts per year. According to the Insurance Information Institute, Colorado ranks 6th in the number of auto thefts per year. So saying this is a non-issue for Colorado residents is not wise. Plus auto theft often increases this time of year. Between holiday travel and more frequent shopping trips, we often subject our cars to more risky theft situations than other times of the year. Make sure you always lock your car and take your keys as you run errands and shop. Don’t forget to keep those valuables out of sight when possible, and this includes those bags of gifts. Even draping a blanket over these items can deter thieves. Of course we would be remiss if we didn’t caution drivers about car puffing. Learn all about it in our post What is Car Puffing?

Safe Fall Driving In Colorado – Final Thoughts

It is really quite striking when you think about how weather-related car accidents cause more fatalities than natural disasters each year. We certainly don’t want to become grim for the holidays, but every single family deserves to get to their destination safely during both this time and every other time of the year. So perhaps one of the best gifts you can give this fall is to slow down and be more cautious on the roads. Of course carrying a quality auto insurance policy is important this time of year as well. We can help with that – contact us today for a free evaluation of your auto coverage. Finally, we at Square State Insurance wish everyone a happy and safe fall season. Stay safe out there!

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